
Showing posts from 2009

System State backup using CMD

How to backup system state using dos command line? You can either type this command at the command line or in the cmd batch file as well (in one line). ntbackup backup systemstate /J "System State Backup Job" /F "D:\BAK.BAK\%COMPUTERNAME%_system_state_backup.bkf" The parameter %COMPUTERNAME% will include your computer name as part of backup file name. You also can put a current date as part of the file name. To do so, add this parameter: %date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2% or in full command, it would be like this: ntbackup backup systemstate /J "System State Backup Job" /F "D:\BAK.BAK\%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%_%COMPUTERNAME%_system_state_backup.bkf " Anyway, the file name arrangement is belongs to you. You don't need to follow exactly. " System State Backup Job" is a description that you can put it as you like, it might be in your tongue language. If the date today is October 27, 2009 and your computer name is mypc, ...

Bagaimana untuk activate semula Windows XP setelah diformat semula?

Pernah tak rasa macam komputer korang tiba2 rasa macam slow gila, atau macam2 program dah jalan tak berapa betul, atau virus bermaharajalela sampai dah tak buleh nak buat apa-apa? Ada rasa macam nak format balik hard disk lepas tu install semula OS tu kan? Rasa2 yang tu takde masalah. Backup je mana2 data yang sepatutnya, dokumen, fail ost, gambar terlampau atau tidak, lagu2 dan macam2 lagilah... Aku taknak citer panjang pasal yang tu. Yang jadi masalah biasanya lepas berapa kali format/install.. tiba2 tak boleh nak activate windows tu lalu internet. Masalah tu, boleh guna 30 hari je la pulak. Abih camno? Begini caranya ye puan2: 1. Pergi kat folder C:\Windows\system32. (Kalau OS korang kat D, pandai2 la tukar Drive tu). 2. Cari fail yang bernama “wpa.dbl” dan “wpa.bak”. Salin masuk dalam korang punya peti simpanan. Flash drive ke, usb drive ke.. external harddisk ke.. kalau nak burn masuk DVD pun ok. Simpan di tempat selamat ye puan2. 3. Buat la kerja format dan install semula OS Wind...

Login lebih dari satu id dalam YM menggunakan satu pc

Aku tak ingat dapat mana benda ni. Apa yg nak aku tunjuk ialah mengedit registry untuk membolehkan login YM lebih dari satu id dalam satu masa menggunakan satu pc. Gunakan registry editer (regedit.exe) dan pergi ke HotKey_CurrentUser\Software\Yahoo\pager\test Klik kanan di sebelah kanan dan pilih new->DWORD Isikan namanya sebagai "Plural" Klik kembar pada Plural tadi dan isi nilainya = 1 Lepas tu start le ym tu. Dah login satu id, start lagi ym dan login lagi dengan id yang lain. Aku tak tahu boleh sampai berapa banyak. I cannot recall where did I get this tip. Anyway, it is a tip to edit the registry so that you can login into YahooMessenger using more than one id in one pc at the same time. Open the registry using regedit.exe or regedt32.exe and go to HotKey_CurrentUser\Software\Yahoo\pager\test Right-click at the right-side window and choose new->DWORD Put it as "Plural" Double-klik to Plural and put the value=1 Then, start your YM and login using your firs...

Forgot EVA Command View admin userid/password

How to change or recover HP EVA Command View userid/password? You are the new system engineer and you want to manage one HP Storageworks using EVA Command View but you dont have an id/password for it. You can simply change the id/password of it, provided you have an administrator id (regardless it is domain/local admin) for the server where the EVA Command View is installed. Find the local user account for that particular machine and look for HP Storage Admins group. Check the properties and find out who is the member of that group. As example below, eva is the userid I am looking for. You can change the password of this userid or you can even add a new member for this group. Now, you can login into EVA Command View using this id and new password.