Change Owner and Registered User in WinXP
Create one registery file. eg. owner.reg
type in these words... into owner.reg
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"RegisteredOrganization"="My Father's Company"
"RegisteredOwner"="It Is Me"
save this file.
double click this file to execute. Click ok if the system ask you whether you want to confirm. Otherwise, just click no if you're not sure.
alternatively, you can run this command:
regedit /s owner.reg
type in these words... into owner.reg
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"RegisteredOrganization"="My Father's Company"
"RegisteredOwner"="It Is Me"
save this file.
double click this file to execute. Click ok if the system ask you whether you want to confirm. Otherwise, just click no if you're not sure.
alternatively, you can run this command:
regedit /s owner.reg